1. A Piece of branded content that Mattr'd | Colombia

What better way for a country to turn its world image on its head by projecting it's self to the world the way it wants to be. More than anything I just love the fact they own and totally get the issues that is happening, but then force you to think positively by associating Colombia with it's insanely successful flower industry. Beautiful really. 

2. An creative concept that Mattr'd | Dove Chocolate

We're all about telling stories, and Dove Chocolate have hit the nail on the head with their latest advert. Love how they have given the product a youthful flowing elegance, something that very few confectionary companies have achieved in a long time. 

3. A TV ad that Mattr'd | Plusnet

You know, yeah let face the Plusnet ad's aren't anything to shout home about, but they kind of are though right? The insanely British vibe that runs through all of their adverts is genius, because you get the feeling that you can do nothing but trust Plusnet. What other way for a brand to build trust than making it feel human.

4. An advert with impact that Mattr'd | Sonos 

I mean Sonos has literally pulled some serious punches here by saying everyone else's products are terrible, showing why they are terrible and how Sonos systems are the best. I like it though, certainly gets to the point. Pretty bold strategy Cotton, lets see how this plays out for 'em.

5. An abstract concept that Mattr'd | Black Cow Vodka

Really interest, abstract and tongue-in-cheek advert from Black Cow Vodka, by saying nothing it says it all. Or does it? Its just insanely captivating.

6. A Shameless plug that Mattr's | London Surf Festival

Peg Leg's Limb Pimpin' episode has been nominated for this years London Surf Film Festival! CLICK HERE to vote via this Facebook LIKE!

Saw any awesome videos you think we should have included? Then drop us an email! We may be a London production agency but we are all ears for your opinions and suggestions and want to collaborate you! Make sure you sign up to our mailing list in the footer too!